Friday, June 28, 2013

28.06.2013- Restaurante Santo Mauro

Today, after two fun-filled and highly educational weeks, our time working at the AC Santo Mauro Hotel has come to an end. I thoroughly enjoyed working in the six departments of the hotel, but for me, the best of all was working in the restaurant.
Located on the terrace behind the hotel, the "Restaurante Santo Mauro" serves breakfast, lunch and dinner to guests from around the world. With the help of Raul, Janet, Esther,Enrique and Ruben, I learned to efficiently  serve guests and bus tables .Tasks of my day included taking orders in very fast Spanish, running an industrial-grade  dishwasher and un-loading it myself, serving guests( the most fun, but slightly nerve-racking), and busing tables. While serving guests, many were surprised to hear how good my English was! I loved interacting with guests from all over the world, as well as my fellow co-workers! I will never forget my days as a Santo Mauro waitress!
-Ito O.

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